Monday, September 12, 2011

Golf Etiquette - Buy Golf Clubs But Learn the Unwritten Set of Rules

If you're a newcomer to the golf game you will likely have kitted yourself out with some cheap golf equipment and will be raring to go out and hit some balls. The Rules of Golf are probably basically understood but you're maybe seriously worried concerning your lack of understanding with regard to the etiquette that is required around the course. Don't worry. If you follow my little guide to etiquette you should have few problems.

Golf is a superb game and played correctly, with the right companions on a dry and warm day, you'll find nothing better. Regardless of your skill level you can easily find yourself becoming truly addicted. There are always personal targets to be set and achieved and it is no real surprise therefore that not many players leave the game once introduced.

Like many sports it is important to get the basics right at the beginning. Grip the club incorrectly now and it will take an age to put it right. Misunderstand the fundamental rules and you'll quickly fall foul of fellow players. Both these issues may be easily addressed at the beginning via lessons using a PGA professional or by reading the relevant rule books.

An area where beginners come unstuck however is the one about etiquette and, in many cases, the situation concerning the unwritten rules. In order to help players facing this situation I have drafted the following basic guide which I hope you will find helpful.

• Play with the right equipment. Cheap golf equipment is fine but ensure that you possess all the basics - maximum of 14 clubs, golf tees, golf balls (not range balls), pitch mark repairer.

• Wear golf shoes not trainers. There are lots of quality golf shoes for sale.

• Be properly attired. Collared shirt (tucked in); golf trousers (not jeans) or, in the summer months, golf shorts with suitable socks. If you review the online golf stores you will find plenty of cheap golf clothing on sale so no excuse in this area.

• Don't share golf clubs with your playing partner. It slows the game down for you and the ones following.

• Always avoid slow play

• Repair pitch-marks on greens and replace divots on the fairway.

• Rake bunkers correctly after playing out.

• Shout 'fore' on wayward shots where there is a danger of hitting other golfers.

• Keep quiet when one of your partners is playing his shot and keep still.

• Don't walk over a players putting line on the green

It has to be stated that not every player on every course observes the etiquette rules. They are the players that give the game a bad name and cause resentment amongst other golfers. Through using my simple guide you will hopefully become a model golfer and will take pleasure in the game to its full extent. Good golfing!

Callum Williams is an avid golfer and fan of everything golf related. is a price comparison website bringing together all the very best cheap golf equipment, golf trolleys for sale, golf shoes for sale and cheap golf bags from all the major UK online retailers.

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Golf Tips On Choosing Your Golf Equipment

I have been asked about this particular subject recently by several people so, here we go with some golf tips on choosing your golf equipment. Golf has changed a lot in the last 100 years or so, but the biggest change is in the equipment. Today, you have no excuse for playing with equipment ill-suited to your golf swing, body, and game. Probably one of the biggest changes in golf equipment is the golf ball. Now, I know a lot of this info on golf balls is going to sound real technical, but you will be better informed. A golf ball may not be smaller than 1.68 inches in diameter. It can be bigger if you want, but a bigger ball is not going to go further. The golf ball may not be heavier than 1.62 ounces. The USGA has a machine for measuring velocity and they are very strict about this. No ball may exceed 250 feet per second at a temperature of 75 degrees. A tolerance of no more than 2 percent is allowed so that golf balls don't go too far. Your distance will be the most important factor to consider.

The USGA has a "Iron Byron" machine ( named after Byron Nelson ) they use to hit balls with and the balls cannot exceed 280 yards. You have probably seen this machine on commercials or the golf channel. A tolerance of 6 percent is allowed here, making 296.8 yards the absolute farthest the ball can go. If you or somebody you know is hitting the golf ball 300 yards plus, then you are in a special group of powerful people. When you're looking to buy golf balls, either the manufacturer is claiming that this ball goes farther and straighter or that it gives you more control than your other brand. Golf balls come in three types. One-piece, two-piece, and three-piece. The one-piece is cheap and found only on driving ranges. The two-piece is better suited for the beginner and the three-piece is better for the advanced player. Golf balls come in three compressions: 80,90,or 100 compression. The 80 compression ball is the softest, and the 100 is the hardest. All balls go the same distance. Play with all types until you find the ball that is most suited for you.

Deciding on the type and brand of golf clubs is up to you and you can start out with used golf equipment, but eventually you will need to have your clubs fitted to you. Clubs with the correct loft, lie, size of grip, etc... In fact, you can go to your local driving range and they will have clubs you can rent or just use until you get a feel for what you like and what suits you. You can also ask to try your friends clubs on the range. The point is go with used equipment until you have developed your game to a point. You can go to an online golf store that sells used clubs or even go on craigslist or eBay and find some really great deals.

Today, the tour pro and the average amateur golfer have access to the same club-fitting technology and information.

Let's go over some factors that you need to consider. First, the grip on your clubs are very important. The proper-sized grip should allow the middle and ring fingers on your left hand, right if a lefty, to barely touch the pad of your thumb when you take hold of the club. If your fingers don't touch your thumb, the grip is too big or if your fingers dig into the pad, then the grip is too thin. Next, the golf shaft. Consider your height, build, and strength when you choose a club. If your real tall, you will need longer and probably stiffer shafts. If your shaft is bending at the top of your swing, you need a very strong shaft and if not, then you need a regular shaft. All in-betweens need a medium-stiff to stiff shaft. The loft of your club is an important factor. If you are a slicer, you can get clubs with less loft or offset heads to alleviate that problem. The clubhead size is another factor. Today you can have a standard, midsize, and oversize head on your clubs. I recommend bigger because they are more forgiving and have a much bigger sweet spot. Your irons are going to be a big part of your game. Forged, muscle-backed irons are for good players who hit the ball on the clubface precisely and cavity-backed irons are for those players who hit the ball all over the clubface. Cavity-backed means hollowed out in the back of the iron. If your not sure about this, get a professional to help you out.

If you find a set that fits you and you're hitting the ball with consistency, then stick with that set. Club-fitting can be expensive so ask first how much it costs before you begin. Then, your club-fitter can help you with what shaft length you need and what lie-angle you need on your clubs. What grip size you need along with what material, such as, leather, cord, all-rubber, half-rubber, what best suits you. Ask advice on what irons you need such as cast, forged, over-sized, or cavity-back and what kind of shafts like boron, titanium, graphite, or steel. By the way, the steel shafts are the cheapest, which is still very good and used by most players on tour, including myself. The best golf clubs aren't always the best clubs for you. Test out the putters and see which one works best for you. Is it center-shafted, end-shafted, or maybe a long putter? Remember, your paying the money so test every brand they carry until your satisfied. Also remember, you can only have 14 clubs in your bag when playing, so match the composition of your set to your strengths and weaknesses. Other accessories, such as clothing, should be your personal preference. Just remember to wear collared shirts and dress shorts or slacks. No bluejeans or tennis shoes. The same holds true for women golfers. More accessories to consider would be covers for your clubs, golf balls, some tees, a couple of gloves, rain suit, pitch mark repair tool, a couple of pencils and several towels. You can never have too many towels when it rains.

Go and get a couple of golf lessons on golf swing tips and how to golf. When you first start out, you want to be practicing correct techniques and not just guess at it. If you have played for quite some time without any golf instructions, then it will be much harder to break those bad golf swing habits when you get serious about your game. Your not going to have the perfect golf swing, but correct tips on golf will take you a long way. Nobody has a perfect swing, everybody has their own swing that works for them and that is what you need to develop. I know you've heard it before, but without practice, your game will never develop and you will never get better. I know we're all pressed for time, but be creative. You can buy plastic balls to hit in the yard or house, yes I said your house. In fact, they have nerf golf balls that I hit in my house on rainy days and I mean a full swing. I close the door to my living room and hit nerf balls with a full swing into the door. Doesn't hurt a thing and the balls usually bounce right back to me. The biggest thing you need to concentrate on is your short game because that is where you score. Try to practice your putting at least a few minutes a day, you'll be surprised what a difference it can make. Now get out there and make it happen and remember to be courteous to other players. See you on the blog side.

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Necessary Golf Equipment And Etiquette

When you are out to play golf, especially for the first time, it can be quite frightening. You might be thinking of things such as what you need to do and what necessary golf equipment you will need. So are a few essential facts that you need to know about basic golf equipment:

The Necessary Golf Equipment

You need to bring along with you the proper equipment to the golf course, or else what are you going to do without the tools of the trade? According to the rules, the golfers should only have a maximum of fourteen (14) clubs in his or her bag. You don't have to have exactly 14 clubs since there isn't any rule about how little clubs you should bring, but it is not proper etiquette to borrow a partner's club either, and against the rules most of the time.

The next type of necessary golf equipment you need to have would have to be a lot of tees and golf balls. The standard golf ball is white, but it can also come in other colors. It is spherical and has little shallow pockmarks called "dimples." The purpose of these dimples is that they decrease the air turbulence around the ball while it is in motion, so that this will lessen the aerodynamic drag to let the ball fly farther. More often than not, you will be losing a lot of golf balls especially if you are a newbie so be prepared.

You can also bring along a ballmark repair tool in order to repair the ballmarks on the greens. You can buy a pair of golf gloves and also golf shoes if you want, although it isn't always necessary for a beginner. Golf shoes usually have plastic or metal spikes that have been designed in order to increase grip, so that the golfer can have longer and more precise shots.

The Golf Course

Unless you have the luxury having your very own private golf course besides your necessary golf equipment, know that you're not going to b the only one enjoying the place. It is your responsibility to look after yourself and how you treat the golf course.

Golf carts need to be left in the cart paths because the wheel tracks will damage the grass. Also, with your ballmark repair tool, always repair your ball marks on the greens or else the indentations can ruin someone elses great play (or yours).

Stephanie Ly

Stephanie is an online writer who has conducted extensive research to share with others reviews and information of various sports topics. Her latest interest is in Used Golf Drivers and related golf topics.

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Golf Equipment And Golf Gear

Golf equipment has certainly changed since that first game of golf was played in 1465 on Bruntsfield Links in Edinburgh, Scotland. The equipment then and the equipment we use now are worlds apart. Just like computers, each year golf equipment gets better and better.

You have probably heard a golfer refer to his golf clubs as "sticks". Perhaps you have even done so yourself without really knowing why, other than just assuming it was slang for golf clubs. Well, the truth is that when the game of golf was first played what was used was a stick, and for a ball they used a small rock. How would you like to play with that kind of golf equipment today?

Luckily, we don't have to. Golf equipment has come a long way and continues to do so. This, of course, makes the game much more enjoyable.

Golf equipment manufacturers are in a competitive business. From golf balls to golf clubs to golf shoes each manufacturer is trying to one up the other and produce the finest golf equipment available. This is certainly very good for the consumer.

For a person who loves the game of golf, checking out the newest and finest golf gear is a slice of heaven. Imagining yourself gripping the latest and greatest driver causes visions in your mind of your golf ball soaring ten to twenty yards further than the driver you use currently. And while you are imagining a new driver, you might as well add some new irons to the old golf bag. Oops! Did you say "old golf bag?" May as well imagine a new one of those also. Okay! Okay! If you're going to imagine new golf equipment, then imagine new golf equipment! A new putter, golf balls, no, make that personalized golf balls. Tees! Gotta have some tees to set those new golf balls on. A couple of new gloves, new shoes, shirts, pants, head covers, range finder, ball retriever, etc, etc, etc. Now you have all of the latest and are ready to attack the golf course like never before.

Well, since you have imagined all the latest and best golf equipment perhaps you should imagine shooting under par. If you do that, then you have really let your imagination run wild and better snap out of it.

Now that you are back to reality you can make all of this happen. For the most part anyway. The part about shooting under par is a little shaky. But you can make your new golf equipment desires a reality without physically visiting every sporting goods store and pro shop in town. You can find it all online. That's right! All the finest new golf equipment is available at your fingertips. Shop at your leisure and enjoy yourself. Save time and money online. Order your new golf equipment today and head for your favorite golf course tomorrow. It's that easy.

Steve Francis writes articles primarily for [] It is enjoyable work as I get to write about different topics related to products marketed by top quality merchants. This particular article dealt with golf equipment [] and a golfers need to have the latest and greatest. That need can be filled right here at [] simply because their golf department boasts only the finest in golf retailers and wholesalers on the web. Get what you need today!

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Revolution in the Golf Clubs

In the past there were only 4 to 5 major golf clubs brands and you didn't have much choice at that time. But with the evolution of new technology and new brands you can now choose the golf equipment according to your own choice and comfort. You can now select the custom made golf clubs that can exactly fit to your swing. You can buy knockoffs and clones of many mass produced brands.

You can now buy separate components and build them yourself to get the specifications and quality. The golf equipment is now made of composite material and metal stuff but still they are called as "woods". Is there anybody's guess why they are called as "woods"? Traditionally used wood drivers had 200cc volume and today's best drivers have 460cc volume. These high performance drivers are made from a blend of some composite material and titanium. It has adjustable weight plugs and a graphite shaft and costs nearly 700 dollars. Some ego maniac golfers want the best drivers in their bag.

Fairway or metal woods haven't grown in size but there are different weight plug options, face height as well as grip and shaft choices. Irons are now big sized, sling backed, forged and cavity backed. Different shaft models are available at amazing price range. Normally, a big brand iron set is available at no more than thousand dollars. Traditional putters are very hard to find. Studio style putter, 2-ball SRT putter, 2 bar putter are very rare to find. You can find these putters in the range of $20 to $300 and most of them are around $140. As the major manufacturers and big brand companies came in the market, you can get golf equipment at affordable price. Many companies are making the same kind of knockoff and clone golf clubs and some of them are even challenged in the court for patent refringement. Many manufacturers sell the clone golf clubs at a very low cost as compared to the major brands. All of them have similar features like major brands and you can have them at low price.

So, where will you buy these golf clubs and golf equipment? 20 years ago there was only golf course pro shops to find the major brand names. Today, you have endless choice that includes golf superstores, on hand stocks and websites. You can get your ideal golf equipment from the web only retailers. You can buy any golf equipment but enjoy them. When you will be on your first driving range or first tee you will feel proud and confident with your new set of golf clubs.

Author Ryan Woods is expert in golf clubs and golf equipment and working in this field for over 12 years.

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Golf Clubs And Golf Equipment

Golf is the game of calming relaxation for most. Without the proper set of clubs it can be a hard game that leads toward nothing but frustration and anything but a relaxing day on the greens. Not every golf course gives you a golf caddy or carts either; this is why it is also important to have a nice bag to hold all your clubs in. Golf equipment can be rather expensive. Sometimes, a golf club can be upwards of one hundred dollars or more! When you consider that there are multiple clubs for different types of swings, a golf bag to keep everything in, club covers, golf shoes, golf balls and the tees, golf quickly becomes an expensive sport.

Being able to purchase even one item on sale makes a world of difference. If golf tees or even golf balls come at a discount, it is worth the money to purchase as many as possible at a lower price so that you won't have to purchase more later when they are also more expensive. This can really hurt you if you have no choice and need an item immediately. This is especially true if you need to replace a golf club.

The most expensive part of golfing is purchasing your golf clubs. There are many different types of clubs as well as lengths and even right and left handed golf clubs. It is important to purchase the correct type of club so that you can play the best game possible. According to the PGA Tour golf tips, choosing the correct weight of golf club is equally important. This will effect how you swing your clubs. Therefore, having your golf clubs tailored specifically to you will make all the difference in how you play.

If you feel that you could benefit from a new set of clubs or other golfing equipment, be sure to look around for the best price. There are only so many places in Australia to pick up new golf equipment and the best place to look for a great deal is always online. Online stores always have best deals as they don't have to worry about overhead costs such as paying for a store front and paying numerous employees to help customers and ring up sales. This saves money for both the supplier and the buyer.

No matter what sort of golf equipment you are looking for, there is a place that you can the items you need at a discount. Just because you are looking for quality doesn't mean that you have to spend a lot of money for it. Not only is that unreasonable, but can be quite costly. Searching for the things that you want that are the best quality is really in your best interest. You should never have to suffer quality items because of the price you pay for them. This is not helpful to anyone and can actually be a hindrance in most cases for many people. Especially when you want to be on the greens instead of looking up new clubs on the computer.

The author of this article is an expert in Golf Clubs and Golf Equipment, to learn more you can visit their site.

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Golf Equipment Technology

Technology drives the world today in most walks of life and golf equipment is no exception. Over the last few years two of the most important products in the sport: golf clubs and golf clothing have developed dramatically.

The dynamic of golf woods, golf irons and golf putters in the average golf bag have changed radically. Their looks mark a major drive to get weight lower and further behind the club face. Golf drivers in particular have developed fast over the last three years and are now offered in traditional as well as square and triangular head shapes. Developments accelerated by the use of internal computer aided design software.

The first square golf drivers to appear on the market was marketed by Callaway Golf - the 460cc FT-I. It positioned weight to the extreme corners of the square club head in order to raise the MOI - Moment Of Inertia. This in turn maximized the resistance to both horizontal and vertical twisting providing far greater forgiveness to off center shots. Since their launch many other brands have used similar principles include Nike Golf, Ram Golf and The Masters Golf Company. These offer major benefits particularly to mid to high handicap golfers.

Triangular shaped golf driver heads have also burst into golf equipment reviews. This design enables weight to be positioned as far away from the face as practical. This lowers the centre of gravity, optimizing the launch angle and once again increases the MOI for greater distance and forgiveness. A feature that is ideal for all golfers, making it easier to improve distance yet still maintain control. A typical example of this golf driver is Titleist's 907D1.

Moveable weight technology has featured recently in golf driver design too. Both TaylorMade with their r7 Superquad and more recently Mizuno's MP600 offer products where weight can de moved around the club head. This enabling it to be customised to individuals' preferred golf ball flight. Golfers that hook shots should position more weight towards the toe, while golfers that slice should position it more towards the heel.

If you want more golf equipment technology advances in your driver then look out for Callaway's interchangeable shafts that are new for 2008!

If these changes to golf equipment aren't enough then take a look at the changes in golf clothing. Not so long ago when golfers went out to play they would probably be dress in their every day casual wear. Not any longer - brands like Ashworth, Galvin Green and The Masters Golf Company have introduced ranges of technical golf clothing to ensure that rounds are played in optimal conditions. If you feel good then you play good!

Two of the overriding principles in their systems approach to golf clothing are the use of man-made fibers and layering. On the one hand synthetic fibers, unlike traditional cotton, do not absorb moisture encouraging it to be freely passed into the atmosphere rather than hang around the body in the form of damp or clammy garments. On the other hand, layering helps to trap air that is an excellent insulator helping to keep the body warm.

These principles have lead to the use of three types of clothing. The first, worn closest to the skin are often known as base layers. Their task is to wick moisture away from the golfer's skin as quickly as possible to avoid it cooling and creating discomfort. Typical of these are Galvin Green's SkinTight range. These are manufactured from a bacteriostatic material that maintain the body's natural bacteria level, but eliminates odor, providing incredible fresh dry comfort at all times. For information on technology go to golf equipment

Next comes the intermediate or warm layer that is designed to maintain a good body temperature. These garments, often made of fleeces replace traditional cotton shirts and woolen sweaters and must also pass moisture vapor freely on its way to the outside world. Examples of these are The Masters Golf Company's range that is manufactured from 260 gsm polar fleece. These provide excellent insulation but will not absorb moisture.

Finally the outside or fowl weather layer. Here we find garments offering a range of features from windproofing to waterproofing, each of great value to golfers. One again these use a wide variety of technical fabrics the best know being Gore-Tex and Gore Windstopper found in Galvin Greens Ace and Brett golf waterproof and windproof jackets.

All in all golf equipment in all its forms is benefiting from technology. All designed to make the sport more enjoyable.

Golf Equipment -

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How to Make Use of Promotional Golf Equipment in Your Succeeding Promotional Campaigns

In golf, appropriate equipment must be procured and used in order to get maximum results in every game played. Nowadays, a lot of sports shop around the metro offer a great selection of golf supplies that are assured to give golfers out there fabulous rounds of golf games. The major news is that besides ensuring a smooth golf game, these tools can also be carried for other functions like promotions. Promotional golf equipment is now making its way as one of the most optimal marketing objects there is.

Customized golf equipment has a big potential to lure potential customers into actual customers. All you have to do is furnish them nicely designed golf equipment that is attractive enough to convince them to avail of your services. You can grant them as giveaways on your next launching day. Have a batch of these exquisite products personalized for your own employees. You will be able to stimulate them to work even harder.

Does it sound like an excellent idea? If you're not yet convinced, here are some of their other benefits so you can be convinced of their market desirability:

Durable and Made to Last - You can be definite that these imprinted golf equipment would be able to persist for years to come. Their especially created features are ideal even for day by day use.

Great Product Combinations - If you avail of golf equipment for branding use, you can look forward to acquiring different types of products. That's because most vendors propose several products in just one package.

Would you like to take a crack at these logo personalized golf equipment right now? It's absolutely a deal worth making. Below are some hints that can help you in scoring some big time golf products:

Pay Attention to Quality - Don't settle for products that are low-priced but do not have the ability to provide commendable performance. Always prefer high caliber items that deliver brilliant results.

Maximize Custom Printing Space - In branding your customized items you have to make sure that you make use of the space provided for you. Have indispensable office information, like website and email address, etched so they can be of help to your recipients.

Sarah Kendra Callister is a customized corporate giveaways counselor on Promotional Golf Equipment & Promotional Golf Gifts. Read articles by Sarah Kendra Callister on how to market your products.

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How To Select Golf Clubs For Beginners

Whether you've decided to take up golf as an adult or you're a parent looking to get your child her first set of clubs, there are a lot of things that go into consideration when getting golf clubs for beginners. The most important thing to take into consideration is the interest level of the beginner.

If this is just something to try for fun, but not necessarily to take up as a hobby, then there is no reason to go wild on clubs. However, if golfing is a genuine interest, something a family does together on the weekends, then these are valuable reasons for purchasing a better set of clubs. Once the interest level has been determined, then it's time to move on to the next step.

As with all major purchases, research is key. It is wise to look into a height chart for the golfer to determine proper length. Also, take into consideration the strength of the swing. A strong hitter generally prefers a stiffer shaft, but a beginner might want something more forgiving. A flexible shaft can get a greater distance for a softer hitter.

It is also a good idea to consider the club shape. Drivers with large heads are great tools for beginners as are putters with more surface area. These give new golfers more confidence in their swings. The easiest way to do this is to visit an actual specialty golf store and get the opinion of a professional. Granted, a set of clubs in such a store will cost more than buying them at a larger business.

Golf clubs are available in sets or individually. The beginner should be given a chance to handle multiple clubs and get an idea of how they handle. Most stores will have a place for customers to try out clubs and it's certainly a good idea to do so. It is always best to make an educated decision as the wrong length club will not only affect your golf, but could cause personal injury. For most beginners, it's wise to go the less expensive route and either pick up used clubs or a prepackaged set. Golf clubs are very expensive equipment and you want to make sure the beginner is serious about the sport before making such an investment.

Starting a new sport can be a daunting undertaking, especially when there is so much to take into consideration. Whether the beginner is an adult or a child, it's important to discover his or her needs. Height and strength are factors that should be considered when buying golf clubs for beginners, as well as interest level. Once the clubs have been decided on and purchased, the real fun of learning a great sport begins.

For great golf chipping tips and golf putting drills, visit the site, While you're there, sign up for the information-packed golf tips newsletter and free eBook full of techniques to help you improve your golf skills in only 30 days.

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Golf Equipment for All Player Levels

Having quality equipment is important at every player level. However, as a novice golfer you may not be ready, or willing to pay for a high quality golf set. Fortunately there are several good quality beginner sets that are fine to start with. However, as your golf skills improve you may want to start replacing your beginner set clubs with higher quality clubs. In addition to purchasing a full set of golf clubs, novice golfers should also pick up instructional materials that cover the rules and regulations of the game, as well as helpful tips and tricks for mastering basic golf skills.

As an intermediate golfer your equipment purchases will most like include buying higher quality putters, irons, and woods, as well as buying golf training aids. The items that you purchase at this level need to be focused on skill development. You may also want to put together a quality wardrobe of golfing apparel. Quality golf clothes will help you feel more comfortable on the green and it will also improve your range of motion when you swing.

When you are an advanced level golfer your concerns will usually be focused on fine tuning your equipment and your skills. Because of this you may be interested in golf club components, new shaft materials, and advanced training tools. You should also consider upgrading your golf balls to high compression balls. Finally, because you are more likely to travel with your golf clubs, it is a good idea to upgrade your soft sided golf travel cases to hard sided travel golf bags.


You have a lot of great options when shopping for golf equipment. If you haven't done much shopping for golf equipment in the past then you may want to start by reading through product reviews. When you find a piece of equipment that has a good review and that also interests you then you can go to a golf shop to find it and try it out. If you have a limited budget to shop with then you need to look for discount golf equipment. You usually can find the best deals at the end of the golf season or during the off-season. During these times of the year you can find quality items like Titleist and Nike brand equipment marked down 50 to 60 percent.

Are you in the market for golf equipment for women? Fore Her Golf carries golf clothing and accessories with a feminine appeal including polo shirts, skirts, shoes, hats and outerwear from top brands - also a great selection of golf shoes and memorabilia for the lady golfer in your life. Fore Her Golf is your source for women's golf supplies and gifts, products reviews and recommendations as well as tips and training techniques. For more information on golfing and other recreational activities visit the sports directory.

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Titleist Golf equipment is one of the world's best and most popular brands of golf equipment and apparel. It is manufactured by Accushnet Company, which was started by Philip 'Skipper' Young. He was a golfer and was extremely frustrated by his lack of consistency while playing golf. He then decided to X-Ray the golf balls to find out if they were the problem. Through this brainwave, he found out that the rubber cores in the balls were not properly centered. He then patented the process to manufacture Titleist golf balls which were correctly centered in 1930. Soon after, it became the most popular golf ball to be used. Titleist Golf Equipment - As the ball became increasingly popular and was used in all professional tournaments and even private clubs, the company decided to branch out into the other golfing equipment. Way back in 1963, Titleist acquired Bull's Eye Putter and changed its name. Titleist then went on to make putters, drivers, irons and even the Titleist bag. Now you can get all golfing equipment made by Titleist and you can even wear golfing apparel with the company's brand name. Why Titleist? - Over the years, Titleist golf equipment has built up a solid reputation. It stands for excellence and consistency.Titleist balls are used on the PGA Tour, European Tour, Japanese Tour, LPGA Tour, Asian Tour, and Nationwide Tour. They have major golfers doing endorsements for them. Titleist uses the latest technology and caters to everybody - From the beginning Titleist has been concentrating on using the latest technology to improve its equipment and help golfers. Its equipment is all high performance to enable a player to perform to the best of his or her abilities. Titleist caters to all segments of golfers, from professionals to amateurs, and the range includes products designed specifically for women and juniors. It makes all the accessories including bags, headgear, gloves, carts and bags. For the professional and the amateur golfer Titleist offers the services of fitters to help in the selection of the correct drivers, irons, wedges and other equipment which can help the player. Anybody can get personally fitted after taking an appointment and paying a fee. Titleist offers this service at its Performance Institute in California and Manchester Lane Testing facility in Massachusetts. And that takes the guesswork out of getting the right equipment. By the way, do you want to add 42 yards to your golf drives? If so, I suggest you check out this free: Add 42 Yards To Your Drives 5 Day eCourse. Article Source: Article Source:

Anyone fairly new to the game of golf is going to be knowledgeable about hybrid golf clubs. They now form part of everyday golf and the majority of golf bags will feature one or more of them. But it was not always the case.

Until quite recently the selection of clubs available to a golfer were restricted to those that had been around for decades; namely golf driver, fairway woods, long irons, short irons, wedges and putters. Even though there had been tremendous technological advances in the growth and development of golf equipment over many years, the items in the golf bag looked much the same in the 1990's to what it did in the 1960's. What this meant was that golfers, for the longer second shots, tee shots on long par 3's etc, were forced to use fairway woods or even the difficult to control long irons e.g. 1, 2 and 3 irons.

Playing with long irons did indeed require some skill and for that reason there came a proliferation of the easier-to-hit fairway woods. It was quite common to see golfers with 3, 5, 7, 9 and in some cases 11 woods. Reason for this, quite simply, was that woods are simpler to hit and control and they get the ball into the air quickly. But that only works generally from a nice fairway lie and thus this solution was not ideal. New advances in golf equipment, especially the long iron area, were required.

Like all good ideas it is a little murky in terms of where the idea for the golf hybrid originated or who actually introduced the very first club. An early entry into the marketplace was certainly the Taylormade Rescue Club and this club became the benchmark for all that followed.

So what was the thinking behind the development? Well, basically, it seems to have come from the thoughts of any golfer that has ever played the game - produce a golf club which is easy to hit from the tee, fairway, bunker and semi-rough, is forgiving and high flying, and avoids the need for me to master the skill-sets required to use long irons. And the development worked and continued.

Today it is highly unlikely that you're going to see anyone carrying a 1 or 2 iron and equally you will be challenged to find fairway woods above a 5 wood. The original rescue club model has been enhanced by the addition of utility clubs and hybrids that replace irons right down to the 6 iron. The majority of professional golfers carry hybrid or rescue clubs in their bags and with that the club is now standard kit. On that basis I guess we should all be looking to make the change and buy golf clubs of this type.

Callum Williams is an avid golfer and fan of all things golf related. CompareGolfGear is a website bringing together all the very best cheap golf equipment, golf clubs and accessories from all the leading online golf retailers

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Titleist Golf Equipment - Buy The Best

Titleist Golf equipment is one of the world's best and most popular brands of golf equipment and apparel. It is manufactured by Accushnet Company, which was started by Philip 'Skipper' Young. He was a golfer and was extremely frustrated by his lack of consistency while playing golf. He then decided to X-Ray the golf balls to find out if they were the problem.

Through this brainwave, he found out that the rubber cores in the balls were not properly centered. He then patented the process to manufacture Titleist golf balls which were correctly centered in 1930. Soon after, it became the most popular golf ball to be used.

Titleist Golf Equipment - As the ball became increasingly popular and was used in all professional tournaments and even private clubs, the company decided to branch out into the other golfing equipment. Way back in 1963, Titleist acquired Bull's Eye Putter and changed its name.

Titleist then went on to make putters, drivers, irons and even the Titleist bag. Now you can get all golfing equipment made by Titleist and you can even wear golfing apparel with the company's brand name.

Why Titleist? - Over the years, Titleist golf equipment has built up a solid reputation. It stands for excellence and consistency.Titleist balls are used on the PGA Tour, European Tour, Japanese Tour, LPGA Tour, Asian Tour, and Nationwide Tour. They have major golfers doing endorsements for them.

Titleist uses the latest technology and caters to everybody - From the beginning Titleist has been concentrating on using the latest technology to improve its equipment and help golfers. Its equipment is all high performance to enable a player to perform to the best of his or her abilities.

Titleist caters to all segments of golfers, from professionals to amateurs, and the range includes products designed specifically for women and juniors. It makes all the accessories including bags, headgear, gloves, carts and bags.

For the professional and the amateur golfer Titleist offers the services of fitters to help in the selection of the correct drivers, irons, wedges and other equipment which can help the player. Anybody can get personally fitted after taking an appointment and paying a fee. Titleist offers this service at its Performance Institute in California and Manchester Lane Testing facility in Massachusetts. And that takes the guesswork out of getting the right equipment.

By the way, do you want to add 42 yards to your golf drives?

If so, I suggest you check out this free: Add 42 Yards To Your Drives 5 Day eCourse.

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Golf Equipment - A Primer

The sun is shining on your shoulders as you step out onto the course, feeling the spongy grass soft under your spikes. Morning birds sing a song as you hoist your bag higher on your shoulder and you take a minute to enjoy the serenity of the early morning. You don't need to consider the generations before you who have done the same thing, but you do anyway. After all: golf is deep in tradition.

Since the Scots began organizing the 18-hole game more than 500 years ago, there have been few changes. While the fashion has changed (even though you can still find players in kilts on a lucky day), the main items of golf equipment needed to play the game have not changed.

Golf clubs are the most important pieces of equipment. Despite their intended purpose to project a ball close to the hole, each club is different to carry out specific types of hits. For example, there are three major clubs: woods, irons and putters. Woods, or drivers, are heavy clubs intended to hit the ball far down the fairway; players often begin each hole with these clubs The face of these clubs is round with a flattened sole so it doesn't dig into the ground during a swing. Drivers also have longer shafts to provide more power, although shorter woods do exist. The name of these clubs comes from their solid, wooden composition, which was standard until the late 1980s. Since then drivers have been made from steel, titanium and, recently, carbon fibers.

Once the ball is on the fairway, players use irons to maneuver it through obstacles like sand traps, rough, through, and trees. Irons come in sizes according to their length; 1-4 irons are considered long irons, which provide more power. 5-7 are mid-irons, and 8-plus are short-irons. Also, the faces of irons are slanted at different angles to accommodate different terrain. For example, sand wedges have an angle of 54-58 degrees.

Because of their specific purpose, putters are a golfer's best friends. After the ball has made its way from the fairway to the green, it is the putter's job to ease it toward the hole. Because this moment proves so crucial during a game, players put a huge amount of emphasis on the quality of these clubs. These clubs have a flat face which provides smooth stroke, good glide, and bounceless topspin.

Golf bags are especially valuable for a player to transport their clubs. New bags come with wheels that make them easy to pull, but traditional golfers carry them. Pockets on the side also make it easy to store and transport items like extra balls, gloves and towels.

Golf shoes are another important type of golf equipment. These shoes have small spikes on the sole to help stabilize a player on wet grass. The spikes used to be made of metal, but replaceable soft spikes are becoming more common today. Actually, soft spikes are often required by golf courses because the cause less damage to the physical course.

Anne Clarke writes numerous articles for Web sites on gardening, parenting, fashion, and home decor. Her background also includes teaching, gardening, and a variety of outdoor recreation and sports. For more of her useful articles on golf, visit Golf Equipment, supplier of many useful articles on golf and equipment.

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Junior Golf Equipment

Choosing the right equipment for your son or daughter can be expensive, but doesn't have to be especially when given a few helpful hints...

So your son or daughter has had a few golf lessons, perhaps as part of a scheme taking golf into schools. Fantastic, you think. It's a great game, it teaches youngsters all about good conduct and fair play, and gives them fresh air and exercise in abundance, away from their computer games. And then you need to think about their equipment. However, before you go out and blow your bucks on a junior set, it is best to make sure your child is genuinely keen, and you're not going to be flogging a couple of hundred pounds' worth of kit on eBay within three months.

First things first - try SNAG
WSNAG, which stands for 'Starting New at Golf', is fantastic for children just getting into the game. Available from the Masters Golf Company, SNAG provides a complete learning kit for kids. There are just two clubs - a 42 inch loft 'Launcher', and a 'Roller' which acts as a putter. They may look like toys, but in fact they are individually and correctly swing-weighted, and are designed to get children hitting the ball accurately and putting smoothly. They even include colour coded pentagonal grips to ensure correct hand placement, and are the teaching equipment of choice for many pros. Four sizes are available, and SNAG is appropriate for children from age four to adult.

The soft, large balls which come with the clubs are in fact golf ball weight but low compression, and have a maximum carry of around forty metres - so they emulate the motion of hitting a golf ball, without the potential for damage. The ball is hit off a special 'launch pad' tee mat, which enables SNAG to be played almost anywhere, off any surface, with no danger of broken glass or injury.

To make the game even more enjoyable, SNAG comes with a variety of accessories to help children hit the ball more accurately. There is a 'Flagsticky' which acts as a pin, made adhesive with a Velcro-like lining; a similarly sticky 'Bullseye', for target practice with the Launcher, and a 'Rollerama', for putting practice. There is also a selection of portable targets and a padded jacket, so children can play a version of tag, hitting the balls at each other. Because they are soft, there is no danger of injury, and the full kit includes a helmet for extra protection.

A basic pack, consisting of a 'Launcher' and a 'Roller', two soft balls and a 'Launch Pad' has an RRP of £59.99 and the other elements can be bought separately.

Moving On Up
Once your child is really showing some determination to continue with golf, then it is time to consider 'proper' clubs. Once again, the Masters Golf Company are experts in this field, and have several sets for juniors, dependent on their height, ability and experience.

Their new ranges include several features thoughtfully designed to help juniors develop their skills. Junior golfers tend to use a greater variety of clubs within their set as they get taller and their game develops, so the ranges reflect this need for flexibility. The sets for the youngest players carry a wood, three irons and a putter, going up to a full set with a fairway wood and hybrid for taller juniors. In fact, Masters has deliberately assessed the youngsters' needs in terms of height, rather than age, recognising that a tall four year old might have the same requirement as a shorter six year old. There are further helpful features, too, such as short shot and long shot markers on the grips.

The MC-J110 series - for the enthusiastic beginners
To start off with, the MC-J110 series offers fantastic value to the parents of young golfers who are just starting out. They are manufactured in three colour-coded height ranges, for children up to 5 feet, and are available as individual clubs or starter sets, with a choice of woods and irons, a putter and bag.

The irons enjoy a thin profile and broad sole, lowering the centre of gravity to help get the ball in the air. Like the irons, the driver is made of a lightweight titanium matrix, and there are hybrid and fairway wood options as well. Packs start from just £59.99, with woods available for £14.99 and irons and putters selling at a recommended £9.99.

The MC-J510 series - for the keen youngster
This set is aimed at juniors who really want to progress. Masters' research has established that it will also be the junior range of choice for many teaching pros, helping the learning process with consistent results and so allaying many of the frustrations which juniors experience. There are three height ranges within the series, all colour-coded, for children and young adults up to 5'6".

The irons are manufactured from 17/8 stainless steel, to tight loft, lie and weight tolerances, with progressive off-set which makes the long irons easier to hit. A broad sole provides a low centre of gravity, allowing more weight to go directly behind the ball for a solid strike and higher trajectory. The lightweight graphite shafts reduce the overall weight of the club by 20% for children under 5 feet, whilst taller youngsters are provided with a low torque steel option, to help them make the transition to an adult set. There are two putter choices - a traditional and a two-ball design.

The MC-J510 series comes either as a club pack or the clubs can be bought individually. In the packs, the number of clubs included are designed to suit different heights, and a starter pack costs from £132.49, whilst woods cost a recommended £27.49 and irons £22.49. Putters start at £17.99. The MC-J710 driver - for the stars of the next generation.

Finally, the new MC-J710 driver is for juniors who are serious about their golf. It has a 350cc lightweight titanium head, allowing for a larger head size and correspondingly, a lower centre of gravity to get the ball airborne, and a higher COR for more distance. It also features two moveable weights, so the junior golfer can adapt it to provide a draw, neutral or faded ball flight.

Bags and Trolleys for Juniors
It's also possible to buy bags and even trolleys, specifically designed for junior golfers. Masters MB-JS110 stand bag has a 6.5 inch top with a six-way divider, and is available in small, medium and large, for youngsters of different ages. The weight has been kept as low as possible, to make it easier for juniors to handle - the large bag weighs only 1.4kg, with the medium and small versions correspondingly less. And there is a trolley bag to match, along with light, small, easy-to assemble trolleys for juniors such as the MC-J110, which has three bag supports to fit any size of bag. These junior bags and trolleys will set you back between £25 and £30, on average.

Whichever options you choose, from the absolute beginners' sets to the more refined clubs aimed at the serious junior golfer, the most important thing is to match your purchases to the needs of your child, and adjust your budget accordingly. There's no point spending hundreds of pounds when he or she is just starting out - but a few years down the line, if your child is winning tournaments and is still passionate about golf, then a higher investment will pay dividends.

Click here for more information on junior golf equipment

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Callaway Golf Clubs - The World's Best Golf Equipment

Right from the beginning, Callaway clubs were innovative. After Ely Callaway bought Hickory Sticks, he began implementing changes above and beyond the hickory-shafted, steel core club shafts. His success in the textile industry gave him the capital for research and development.

While Callaway manufactures a full-range of golf equipment, their clubs are their most famous product, mostly due to their innovative design. In the mid-eighties, the Carlsbad, California-based company introduced the over-sized 190 cm3 Big Bertha steel head driver, which became an overnight success. Richard C. Helmstetter and Glenn Schmidt teamed up on this and subsequent over-sized Callaway drivers. This Bertha was followed by the Great Big Bertha, the Biggest Big Bertha, and titanium Callaway drivers. 2003 brought the release of Great Big Bertha II and the Big Bertha 454 in 2004. At 454 cm3, Big Bertha 454 is only 6 cm3 shy of the PGA limit of 460 cm3.

Any Callaway review would have to include their extensive golf ball research and development. The company invested 170 million dollars in a state-of-the-art testing, design and manufacturing facility with the sole intent of making a better golf ball. Three years later, they designed a one-size-fits-all golf ball they named Rule 35. Rule 35 was the result of Callaway's experimentation with over 300 dimple patterns, more than a thousand types of ball cores and innumerable cover materials.

After promising a club for the people that would combine distance, forgiveness and feel, the RazR X irons were released. RAZR X irons have a lower, deeper center of gravity for distance and accuracy. Tests showed the RAZR X Irons to be 56% more accurate than a competitor's iron.

The new Diablo Edge stainless steel irons add distance without compromising feel or performance. Diablo Octane drivers and fairway woods pack extra power due to a maximized ball speed across the face. Their over-sized sweet spot allows better access, longer drives and more accuracy. The Diablo Octane Driver drives beyond its predecessor, the Diablo Edge Driver, by an average distance of 8 extra yards.

Professional golfers the world over endorse Callaway clubs. From Phil Mickelson and Stuart Appleby on the PGA tour to Vicky Hurst and Leta Lindley on the LPGA and Champions Tour champ Gary Player, pros love the brand and contribute positively to any Callaway review. Legendary champions Arnold Palmer and Annika Sorenstam have had commercial relationships with the company for many years. Even singer/actor golf fanatic Justin Timberlake is an endorser for the clubs.

Get a more comprehensive review by visiting the Callaway golf clubs review website to learn more about why Callaway golf clubs are the world's best.

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Buy Used Golf Equipment

Golf is quite a demanding sport physically, mentally, socially and even financially. You have to be on your best physical and mental condition to be able to play the game. Also it is very important that you know how to deal with these people in the field in order for you to establish good rapport with them. Financially because a lot of tools and accessories are needed in the game. These things may cost some big amount of money for sure especially if you will buy the new ones in the market. This made golf popular to the rich and famous. But you have to realize that being a golf player does not mean that you always have to buy new equipment. There are shops that sell used tools and accessories for golf. Surely, you will be able to save a lot of money for sure.


A lot of brands come from different manufacturers of golf tools. You have to be sure on what you prefer to have. You need to determine the types of equipment that will be useful for your game. To do it well, you will need to research about the best equipment that you need to have. Make a list and it must be your guide on whatever you will purchase in the future.


It is very important that you will be able to try the equipment that you plan to buy whether or old. One thing that you need to do is to visit the dealers of the equipment for golf to make sure that you will like the items that they are selling. Though you have to remember that there are already useful sites that you can utilize to find the used items that you can always purchase.


The internet is one useful tool that you can use to find used equipment and compare the prices of each item. Search the websites and look for those that you trust the most. Learn to compare the price and make a list of those that you prefer to have. Since these are used ones, you may want to negotiate with the dealer by contacting them. Some will surely give in to your offer and this is a good way to save much money for sure.


One of the most important things that you need to do is to set the budget of the equipment that you will buy. Setting the price or budget means that you will be able to narrow down your choices. It is also a good way to save money and buy those that you can only afford to have.

It is always good to be wise and thus you may settle with used items if you can still work on them at your best. There are some ways that you can have the best used golf equipment that you can use in the game. The tips will help you a lot for sure.

You need to take a look at ladies golf clubs. You will surely like it. It is always good that you have your own senior golf clubs. See them now.

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Golf Equipment

For a sport that is notoriously reputed to be very expensive sport to participate in, a game of golf surprisingly requires the least amount of golf equipment to play. That's saying basically about the game, since there are those who can do fairly well with just one golf club, only modifying the power and direction of the swing. What makes a golf game relatively expensive instead are those aside.

Golf Clubs

Golf equipment first and foremost needs a golf club. Golf isn't a game where equipments can be shared comfortably, so individual golf clubs are of utmost importance. There are four basic categories for golf clubs and they are woods, hybrids, irons, and putters.

Woods - these clubs are the longest, with shafts that measure 40-47 inches, having large heads with spherical shape. Woods are often referred as driver and are most ideal in hitting off the tee, or on situations requiring definitive carries or drives.

Irons - irons are the most versatile golf clubs, some players even make do on a golf game using only an iron. They are shorter than the woods, around 36-40 inches on the shaft. They offer clubbing with relative skill in contrast to the woods which requires a good amount of precision.

Wedges - these clubs are actually referred as irons though having a loft (angle which the clubface tilt) of more than 44 earned them a special category other than irons. Wedges are also customized to meet several factors. One such example is the sand wedge with specialized underside with a "bounce" feature.

Putters - putters are clubs used on the green. They have a very low loft and some has even shorter shafts that would complement precision and deft touch. These clubs are ideal for finishes on the green.

Golfers are allowed to carry 14 different kinds of golf clubs during play, and the typical set of 14 usually consists of 8 irons, 3 woods, 2 wedges, and a putter.

Golf Balls

Golf balls are 42.67mm standard diameter mostly of synthetic materials construction. One notable feature of golf balls are the dimples, an aerodynamic function that will affect several factors including trajectory, spin and feel. Some makes are generated to result a desired outcome, such as harder materials to result longer distance, or softer ones to allow more spin.

There are other golf equipments on the use but those mentioned above are the most required to get a game going. Other golf equipment includes Golf Bags, Golf Carts, Golf Cleats, Golf Tees, and Golf Ball markers.

Milos Pesic is an avid golfer and owner of the most comprehensive Golf Information Pages. Visit now to find out all you wanted to know about golf, golf equipment, tips, resorts and much more.

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Cheap Golf Equipment - How to Ensure That Your Money Is Well Spent

Golf is not an inexpensive game by any stretch of the imagination. Not only is golf equipment costly but you will also have to shell out quite a bit of money towards course fees. You will save quite a bit of money if you buy cheap golf equipment even if you can't do too much to reduce the course fees. However, you have to make sure the equipment you buy is the right quality and that it helps you play the game well.

One of the best ways of buying cheap golf equipment that is also good is to look for it online. There are plenty of websites that offer golf equipment reviews. You can go through these websites in order to read about the different ones and their respective advantages and disadvantages. The best websites offer you comprehensive information about the equipment they feature. You will get full product details about each item featured there. In addition, you will also get to read a variety of reviews about each product.

You will be able to buy the exact kind of golf club set that suits your playing style and your budget if you read these reviews. You will be guided towards golf clubs that are less expensive while being fairly good to use. You can even find out why you don't need to buy a particularly expensive set if it has features that you don't require. You will save quite a bit of money and improve your game in the process if you select the right golf equipment.

If you are a beginner you might need to buy an entire set of golf clubs whereas you can buy individual drivers, woods, irons or even hybrid clubs in order to add to your existing collection of equipments. Beginners will also be very confused about the different types of golf clubs available and how they are to be used. These reviews will help you spend your money wisely so that you enjoy your game better.

Make sure that you visit a reliable website only because you need to make sure that the information you get is accurate and comprehensive. You will also get lots of tips on how to play the game well so that you make the best use of your new equipment. The best website will feature reviews by actual golfers instead of just listing out information provided by manufacturers.

Buying cheap golf equipment is a good idea as long as you are sure that you are getting the most suitable ones. Read golf equipment reviews in order to find out which ones meet your requirements the best.

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Sunday, September 11, 2011

Buy Used Golf Equipment

Golf is quite a demanding sport physically, mentally, socially and even financially. You have to be on your best physical and mental condition to be able to play the game. Also it is very important that you know how to deal with these people in the field in order for you to establish good rapport with them. Financially because a lot of tools and accessories are needed in the game. These things may cost some big amount of money for sure especially if you will buy the new ones in the market. This made golf popular to the rich and famous. But you have to realize that being a golf player does not mean that you always have to buy new equipment. There are shops that sell used tools and accessories for golf. Surely, you will be able to save a lot of money for sure.


A lot of brands come from different manufacturers of golf tools. You have to be sure on what you prefer to have. You need to determine the types of equipment that will be useful for your game. To do it well, you will need to research about the best equipment that you need to have. Make a list and it must be your guide on whatever you will purchase in the future.


It is very important that you will be able to try the equipment that you plan to buy whether or old. One thing that you need to do is to visit the dealers of the equipment for golf to make sure that you will like the items that they are selling. Though you have to remember that there are already useful sites that you can utilize to find the used items that you can always purchase.


The internet is one useful tool that you can use to find used equipment and compare the prices of each item. Search the websites and look for those that you trust the most. Learn to compare the price and make a list of those that you prefer to have. Since these are used ones, you may want to negotiate with the dealer by contacting them. Some will surely give in to your offer and this is a good way to save much money for sure.


One of the most important things that you need to do is to set the budget of the equipment that you will buy. Setting the price or budget means that you will be able to narrow down your choices. It is also a good way to save money and buy those that you can only afford to have.

It is always good to be wise and thus you may settle with used items if you can still work on them at your best. There are some ways that you can have the best used golf equipment that you can use in the game. The tips will help you a lot for sure.

You need to take a look at ladies golf clubs. You will surely like it. It is always good that you have your own senior golf clubs. See them now.

Article Source:

Golf Equipment

For a sport that is notoriously reputed to be very expensive sport to participate in, a game of golf surprisingly requires the least amount of golf equipment to play. That's saying basically about the game, since there are those who can do fairly well with just one golf club, only modifying the power and direction of the swing. What makes a golf game relatively expensive instead are those aside.

Golf Clubs

Golf equipment first and foremost needs a golf club. Golf isn't a game where equipments can be shared comfortably, so individual golf clubs are of utmost importance. There are four basic categories for golf clubs and they are woods, hybrids, irons, and putters.

Woods - these clubs are the longest, with shafts that measure 40-47 inches, having large heads with spherical shape. Woods are often referred as driver and are most ideal in hitting off the tee, or on situations requiring definitive carries or drives.

Irons - irons are the most versatile golf clubs, some players even make do on a golf game using only an iron. They are shorter than the woods, around 36-40 inches on the shaft. They offer clubbing with relative skill in contrast to the woods which requires a good amount of precision.

Wedges - these clubs are actually referred as irons though having a loft (angle which the clubface tilt) of more than 44 earned them a special category other than irons. Wedges are also customized to meet several factors. One such example is the sand wedge with specialized underside with a "bounce" feature.

Putters - putters are clubs used on the green. They have a very low loft and some has even shorter shafts that would complement precision and deft touch. These clubs are ideal for finishes on the green.

Golfers are allowed to carry 14 different kinds of golf clubs during play, and the typical set of 14 usually consists of 8 irons, 3 woods, 2 wedges, and a putter.

Golf Balls

Golf balls are 42.67mm standard diameter mostly of synthetic materials construction. One notable feature of golf balls are the dimples, an aerodynamic function that will affect several factors including trajectory, spin and feel. Some makes are generated to result a desired outcome, such as harder materials to result longer distance, or softer ones to allow more spin.

There are other golf equipments on the use but those mentioned above are the most required to get a game going. Other golf equipment includes Golf Bags, Golf Carts, Golf Cleats, Golf Tees, and Golf Ball markers.

Milos Pesic is an avid golfer and owner of the most comprehensive Golf Information Pages. Visit now to find out all you wanted to know about golf, golf equipment, tips, resorts and much more.

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